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What is CO2e?

The dominant greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO2) which is emitted whenever we burn fossil fuels in homes, vehicles, factories or power stations. But other greenhouse gasses are also important: methane (CH4), for example, as well as nitrous oxide (N2O) and refrigerant gasses.

The convention is to express our emissions/carbon footprint in terms of “carbon dioxide equivalent” (CO2e). This means the total climate change impact of all the greenhouse gasses caused by an item or activity expressed in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide that would have the same impact over 100-year period.

What does a tonne of CO2e look like? Well, if you filled a couple of standard sized garden water buts to the brim with petrol and set fire to them, about a tonne of CO2 would be directly released into the atmosphere.

The average person in the UK has an annual carbon footprint of about 13 tonnes (down from 15 tonnes 10 years ago, mainly because of more renewable electricity generation).

At innerspace, we have made a firm commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By providing clean energy, measuring and reducing emissions from our homes, we are making our contribution specifically to: No7. Affordable and clean energy and No13. Climate action of the SDG’s.